
I have been hacked, what can i do about it?

Written by CYO | Jun 10, 2024 4:30:53 PM

Discover actionable steps to take when you've fallen victim to a cyber attack.

Discover Actionable Steps to Take When You've Fallen Victim to a Cyber Attack

Today the risk of cyber attacks is ever-present, and falling victim to one can be overwhelming. However, taking swift and informed actions can mitigate the damage and help you recover effectively. Here’s a detailed guide on what to do if you've been hacked, focusing on assessing the damage and identifying the breach.

Assess the Damage - Identify the Breach

If you suspect that you have been hacked, the first and most crucial step is to assess the damage and identify the breach. This process involves a thorough investigation to determine the extent of the attack and understand how the hackers gained access to your systems. Here’s how you can go about it:

Review Logs and Look for Suspicious Activities

Start by reviewing your computer, cloud, or network logs for any suspicious activities or unauthorised access. Logs are crucial as they record all actions and events within your systems. Key things to look for include:

  • Unusual Login Attempts: Check for any login attempts from unfamiliar IP addresses or locations.
  • File Changes: Look for modifications to files that should not have been altered or files that were accessed at unusual times.
  • Installed Programs: Identify any unfamiliar programs or software that may have been installed without your knowledge.
  • Network Traffic: Monitor network traffic for any unusual patterns or large data transfers that could indicate data exfiltration.

Utilise Security Tools

In addition to manual log reviews, consider using antivirus software or other security tools to scan your systems for malware or viruses that could be causing the breach. Many security tools provide detailed reports on detected threats and vulnerabilities, helping you pinpoint the exact cause and extent of the attack. Platforms like Cyber Overwatch would  do these things for you.

  • Antivirus Scans: Run comprehensive antivirus scans to detect and remove any malware, spyware, or viruses.
  • Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS): Utilise an IDS to monitor network traffic for suspicious activities and potential threats.
  • Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR): Implement EDR solutions to continuously monitor and respond to endpoint security threats.

Consult with Cybersecurity Professionals

While initial steps can be taken in-house, consulting with a cybersecurity professional at the Cyber Overwatch team is highly recommended. Cybersecurity experts have the skills and tools necessary to conduct a thorough investigation and provide actionable insights on how to proceed. They can assist in:

  • Detailed Forensic Analysis: Conducting a forensic analysis to trace the source of the breach and determine the attack vector.
  • Vulnerability Assessment: Identifying vulnerabilities that were exploited and recommending measures to patch these security gaps.
  • Incident Response Planning: Developing a comprehensive incident response plan tailored to your organization’s needs.

Implement a Cyber Overwatch Solution

For a more robust and streamlined approach, consider leveraging the services of a cybersecurity firm like Cyber Overwatch. Our solutions are designed to help you effectively manage and respond to cyber threats. Here’s how we can assist:

  • Risk Profile Dashboards: Provide a detailed overview of your security posture, highlighting areas of concern and recent activities. Preventing things like this from happening to you.
  • Incident Management: Offer tools and support for managing and resolving incidents efficiently.
  • Continuous Vulnerability Management: Ensure that your systems are regularly scanned for vulnerabilities and that patches are applied promptly.
  • Endpoint Management Monitoring: Monitor endpoints for signs of compromise and respond swiftly to threats.

Being hacked is a serious issue, but by following these steps to assess the damage and identify the breach, you can take control of the situation. Reviewing logs, using security tools, consulting with professionals, and leveraging comprehensive cybersecurity solutions like those offered by Cyber Overwatch will help you mitigate the damage, recover from the attack, and strengthen your defences against future threats.

Contain the Damage - Secure Your Accounts

Once you have identified the breach, the next crucial step is to contain the damage and secure your accounts. Taking immediate and decisive action can prevent further unauthorised access and minimise the impact of the hack. Here’s a detailed guide on how to secure your accounts effectively:

Change All Passwords

Begin by changing all of your passwords for online accounts, including email, social media, and online banking. Here are some key points to consider:

  • Use Strong, Unique Passwords: Create passwords that are difficult to guess by including a mix of upper and lower case letters, numbers, and special characters. Avoid using common words or easily accessible information such as birthdays.
  • Password Manager: Consider using a password manager to securely store and generate strong passwords. Password managers can also help you manage multiple accounts without the need to remember each password individually.

Enable Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)

Enhance the security of your accounts by enabling multi-factor authentication wherever possible. MFA adds an extra layer of protection by requiring an additional verification step beyond just the password.

  • Types of MFA: This can include entering a code sent to your phone, using an authenticator app, or employing biometric factors like fingerprints or facial recognition.
  • MFA Implementation: Implement MFA for all critical accounts, including email, banking, and any services that hold sensitive information.

Update Security Software

Ensure that all your security software is up to date. This includes antivirus programs, firewalls, and any other tools used to protect your systems.

  • Install Patches and Updates: Regularly install patches and updates to protect against known vulnerabilities. Hackers often exploit outdated software, so keeping your systems current is essential.
  • Automated Updates: Where possible, enable automated updates to ensure that you always have the latest security enhancements.

Secure Financial Accounts

If you suspect that any of your financial accounts have been compromised, take immediate action to protect your finances.

  • Contact Financial Institutions: Reach out to your bank or credit card company to report the incident. They can help you monitor your accounts for suspicious activity and take steps to prevent further unauthorised transactions.
  • Fraud Alerts: Consider placing fraud alerts on your credit reports to warn creditors of potential identity theft. This can help prevent new accounts from being opened in your name without your knowledge.

Utilise Cyber Overwatch Services

Cyber Overwatch offers a suite of services to help you secure your accounts and contain the damage effectively, it offers 360 degree cover from cyber attacks.

Securing your accounts quickly after identifying a breach is vital to limiting the damage and preventing further unauthorised access. By changing your passwords, enabling multi-factor authentication, updating security software, and securing financial accounts, you can take effective steps to protect your personal and financial information. Leveraging the comprehensive services provided by Cyber Overwatch can further enhance your security posture, ensuring you are well-prepared to handle and recover from cyber attacks.

Assess The Impact - What Have You Lost

After containing the damage from a hack, the next crucial step is to assess the impact and determine what you may have lost. This process involves identifying compromised sensitive information and evaluating the potential consequences. Here’s how you can systematically assess the impact:

Review Personal and Financial Records

Begin by thoroughly reviewing your personal and financial records to identify any unauthorised transactions or changes:

  • Check for Unauthorised Transactions: Look for any transactions that you did not initiate, including purchases, withdrawals, or transfers. Report any suspicious activity to your bank or financial institution immediately.
  • Monitor Account Changes: Pay attention to any changes in your account details, such as updated contact information or added beneficiaries, which you did not authorise.
  • Identity Theft Indicators: Be alert for signs of identity theft, such as new accounts opened in your name or unexpected credit inquiries.

Identify Compromised Data

Determine what sensitive information may have been compromised during the hack:

  • Personal Information: This could include your Social Security number, driver’s license number, or other personal identifiers.
  • Financial Information: Credit card numbers, bank account details, and other financial data are often targeted by hackers.
  • Business Information: If you run a business, review business records and client data to identify any breaches that could impact your operations or clients.

Recover Lost Data

If important data or files were lost as a result of the hack, take steps to recover this information:

  • Check Backups: Determine if you have backups of the lost data on external drives, cloud storage services, or other backup solutions.
  • Data Recovery Services: If backups are unavailable or incomplete, consider using data recovery services to attempt to retrieve the lost information.

Monitor Credit Reports

To protect against any long-term consequences of the hack, it’s advisable to monitor your credit reports closely:

  • Credit Report Review: Regularly check your credit reports from major credit bureaus for any unauthorised activity or new accounts opened in your name.
  • Fraud Alert: Consider placing a fraud alert on your credit reports to warn creditors to take extra steps to verify your identity before granting new credit.
  • Credit Freeze: For additional security, you might place a credit freeze, which restricts access to your credit report, making it harder for identity thieves to open accounts in your name.

Assessing the impact of a hack is vital to understanding the full extent of the breach and taking steps to recover and protect your information. By reviewing personal and financial records, identifying compromised data, recovering lost information, and monitoring credit reports, you can mitigate the consequences of the hack. Did we mention ;) leveraging the comprehensive services offered by Cyber Overwatch can further enhance your ability to assess and respond to cyber threats, ensuring robust protection and swift recovery.

Reporting the Incident - Notify Affected Parties

After containing the damage from a hack and assessing the impact, it's crucial to report the incident to the appropriate parties. Notifying those affected can help prevent further damage and enable them to take necessary precautions. Here’s a detailed guide on how to properly report a hacking incident:

Inform Your Workplace

If the hack occurred at your workplace, it’s imperative to inform your employer or IT department immediately:

  • Immediate Notification: Promptly inform your IT department or cybersecurity team about the breach. They can begin an investigation and implement measures to secure the company’s systems and data.
  • Internal Communication: Follow your organisation's protocol for reporting security incidents. This may involve filling out an incident report or directly communicating with a designated incident response team.
  • Collaborate on Recovery: Work with your IT team to provide any necessary information that can aid in understanding the breach and mitigating its effects.

Report to Service Providers

For personal accounts such as email, social media, or other online services, report the incident to the respective platform’s support team:

  • Account Recovery: Contact the support team to report the hack and seek assistance in recovering your account. They can help reset passwords, restore access, and secure your account against further attacks.
  • Security Enhancements: Follow the platform’s recommendations for additional security measures, such as enabling multi-factor authentication or reviewing account activity logs.

Notify Financial Institutions

If your financial information has been compromised, it's essential to contact your bank or credit card company:

  • Immediate Reporting: Notify your bank or credit card issuer about the breach. They can monitor your accounts for suspicious activity and take steps to protect your finances, such as issuing new cards or temporarily freezing accounts.
  • Fraud Protection: Inquire about fraud protection services offered by your financial institutions, and consider enrolling in them to further safeguard your accounts.
  • If you are an employer - inform your insurer immediately to gain their support and ensure you are covered.

Contact Relevant Authorities

For serious breaches involving personal information such as your NI number, passport or credit card details, contact the relevant authorities to file a report:

  • Local Police: Report the incident to Action Fraud providing them with details about the hack and any evidence you have gathered.
  • Credit Bureaus: Consider placing a fraud alert or credit freeze with major credit bureaus to protect your credit report from unauthorised access.

Reporting a hacking incident is a critical step in mitigating further damage and protecting those affected. By informing your workplace, reporting to service providers, notifying financial institutions, and contacting relevant authorities, you can take comprehensive action to address the breach. Leveraging Cyber Overwatch’s services can streamline the reporting process, ensuring that all necessary measures are taken to safeguard your information and prevent future incidents.

Prevent It Happening Again - Implement Long-term Security Measures

To protect yourself from future cyber attacks and ensure robust security, it is essential to implement long-term security measures. By staying proactive and informed, you can significantly reduce the risk of being hacked again. Here’s a detailed guide on how to enhance your cybersecurity posture:

Regular Software and Operating System Updates

Keeping your software and operating systems up to date is one of the most effective ways to protect against cyber threats:

  • Security Patches: Regularly install security patches and updates provided by software vendors. These updates often address vulnerabilities that hackers exploit.
  • Automatic Updates: Enable automatic updates whenever possible to ensure you receive the latest security enhancements without delay.

Cybersecurity Education and Awareness

Educating yourself and staying informed about common hacking techniques and the latest cybersecurity threats can help you recognise and avoid potential risks:

  • Stay Informed: Follow cybersecurity news and updates from reliable sources to stay aware of new threats and vulnerabilities.
  • Training Programs: Consider attending cybersecurity training programs or workshops to deepen your understanding of security practices and threat mitigation.

Use Reputable Antivirus Software and Firewalls

Installing reputable antivirus software and firewalls is crucial in protecting your devices from malware and other malicious software:

  • Antivirus Protection: Choose a well-known antivirus solution that offers real-time protection, regular scans, and automatic updates.
  • Firewall Configuration: Ensure your firewall is properly configured to block unauthorised access to your network and devices.

Cautious Online Behavior

Adopting cautious online behaviour can significantly reduce your risk of falling victim to cyber-attacks:

  • Email Vigilance: Be wary of emails from unknown sources, especially those containing links or attachments. Verify the sender’s identity before clicking on any links or downloading attachments.
  • Phishing Awareness: Learn to recognize phishing attempts, which often involve fraudulent emails or websites designed to steal your personal information.

Regular Data Backups

Regularly backing up your important data can minimise the impact of a potential hack and facilitate recovery:

  • Backup Solutions: Use both cloud storage and external drives to create redundant backups of your critical data.
  • Backup Schedule: Establish a regular backup schedule, ensuring your data is consistently saved and up to date.

Consult Cybersecurity Professionals

Engaging with cybersecurity professionals can provide expert guidance and enhance your security measures:

  • Professional Consultation: Consider hiring a cybersecurity consultant to assess your current security posture and recommend improvements.
  • Training and Resources: Take advantage of cybersecurity training programs offered by professionals to enhance your knowledge and skills in protecting against cyber attacks.

Leverage Cyber Overwatch Services

Cyber Overwatch provides comprehensive solutions to help you implement and maintain long-term security measures:

  • Continuous Vulnerability Management: Our platform continuously scans for vulnerabilities and provides timely alerts and patches to keep your systems secure.
  • Employee Awareness Education: We offer training programs to educate your team about common threats and best practices in cybersecurity.
  • Threat Intelligence Feeds: Stay updated with real-time threat intelligence feeds that provide insights into emerging threats and attack vectors.
  • Compliance Management: Ensure your security practices comply with industry standards and regulations, reducing the risk of non-compliance and associated penalties.


If you take all of this on board, implementing long-term security measures is essential to prevent future hacks and protect against cyber attacks. By regularly updating software, educating yourself on cybersecurity, using antivirus and firewall protections, practising cautious online behaviour, backing up data, and consulting with professionals, you can build a robust defence against cyber threats. Leveraging the comprehensive services of Cyber Overwatch will further enhance your security posture, ensuring ongoing protection and peace of mind.