Elevate your Managed Service Provider (MSP) offerings with Cyber Overwatch® – your premier partner in cutting-edge cybersecurity solutions. Our platform is meticulously crafted to arm MSPs with an all-encompassing arsenal for real-time threat monitoring, sophisticated security insights, and relentless vulnerability assessments.

By integrating Cyber Overwatch® into your cybersecurity suite, you not only safeguard your clients against the latest digital threats but also position your MSP as a frontrunner in the cybersecurity domain. With Cyber Overwatch®, deliver unparalleled security services that keep your clients' digital assets secure and their trust in your services unwavering. Discover the future of cybersecurity with Cyber Overwatch® and transform your MSP into a beacon of security excellence and customer confidence.

Solution Components

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Unique Selling Propositions (USPs) for MSPs

Comprehensive Threat Coverage: Our solution offers unparalleled depth and breadth in monitoring and defending against cyber threats. From email security to dark web monitoring, we provide full-spectrum coverage to ensure your clients are protected against all forms of digital attacks.

Ease of Co-Branding

Onboarding as an MSP Partner of Cyber Overwatch is quick and simple.  All we need is the brand you wish to use alongside the Cyber Overwatch logo and the cobranded solution will be live.

Enhanced Client Protection

Your clients deserve the best, if you are looking at this then you're already ahead of your competitors. The cyber protections within the Cyber Overwatch platform are huge, if used wisely you can mitigate your client's exposure to risk by upto 99% 

Scalable Solutions for Growth

Your business growth enables our business growth.  We empower you to focus on your core business and as a MSP Partner with us, you allow us the priviledge of mitigating risks for your clients. No matter how you or your clients grow, Cyber Overwatch can support you.

Dedicated Partner Support

To make the most ot of your relationship with the Cyber Overwatch platform we give you a dedicated partner support contact.  This is a real human who will support you as your contatc to the wider Cyber Overwatch team and enable you to get the most out it.  Be it technical, sales or marketing guidance, they are on hand to support you.

Empower your MSP with Cyber Overwatch® and set a new standard in client protection, reliability, and trust.


Real-time threat detection


Comprehensive posture monitoring


Compliance management


Dark web monitoring

Solution Components

  • Continuous Vulnerability Testing
  • Dark Web Monitoring
  • Our solution stands at the forefront of proactive cybersecurity measures by implementing advanced vulnerability scanning technologies tailored for MSPs. This process involves continuous, automated scans across your clients' networks, applications, and systems to detect and identify vulnerabilities that could potentially be exploited by cyber threats.
    By leveraging our state-of-the-art scanning tools, MSPs gain a critical advantage in the cybersecurity landscape. These tools not only pinpoint vulnerabilities but also categorise and prioritise them based on the level of threat they pose. This prioritisation allows the Cyber Overwatch Threat Hunters to focus their efforts on addressing the most critical vulnerabilities first, ensuring efficient allocation of resources.


    Additionally, our solution provides actionable insights and detailed reports on identified vulnerabilities. This includes recommendations for remediation or mitigation strategies, enabling MSPs to take swift action in securing their clients' digital environments. By addressing vulnerabilities before they can be exploited, MSPs can significantly reduce the risk of breaches and cyber attacks, maintaining the integrity and trust of their client relationships.
    In essence, our proactive vulnerability scanning solution equips MSPs with the tools necessary to maintain a vigilant and robust cybersecurity posture for their clients, safeguarding their digital assets against the ever-evolving landscape of cyber threats.

  • Cyber Overwatch stands out in the realm of cybersecurity by offering a service aimed at thwarting account takeover (ATO) attacks through vigilant monitoring of the dark web for exposed credentials and personal information. The dark web, known for its anonymity and association with illicit activities, is a hotbed for traded and stolen data, including sensitive personal details, passwords, and financial information. Cyber Overwatch's expertise lies in identifying these exposed credentials early, providing a crucial window for organisations to act before these vulnerabilities can be exploited.

    One of the core strengths of Cyber Overwatch is its ability to not only detect but also automate the recovery of compromised credentials. This proactive approach allows organisations to reset passwords and secure accounts swiftly, effectively sidelining potential threats from cybercriminals. Furthermore, Cyber Overwatch delves deep into the analysis of data breaches, offering insights into the methods employed by attackers. This analysis is key to understanding and mitigating future risks, enhancing an organisation's defense against the evolving tactics of cybercriminals.

    The significance of Cyber Overwatch's services extends beyond organisational boundaries, offering protections that safeguard individual employees and consumers against identity theft and financial fraud. By providing a broad and early detection net, Cyber Overwatch enables a proactive security posture, helping to preempt not just account takeovers but a range of cyber threats that rely on exposed personal information.

    The value of Cyber Overwatch's offerings is manifold. Firstly, it shifts the cybersecurity paradigm from a reactive to a proactive stance, allowing organisations to address vulnerabilities before they can be exploited. Secondly, its comprehensive database of stolen credentials ensures wide-ranging protection, affording organisations a clearer view of potential threats. This proactive defense mechanism not only enhances an organisation's security posture but does so in a cost-effective manner, preventing the substantial financial and reputational damages often incurred in the wake of a cyberattack.

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    Additionally, our solution provides actionable insights and detailed reports on identified vulnerabilities. This includes recommendations for remediation or mitigation strategies, enabling MSPs to take swift action in securing their clients' digital environments. By addressing vulnerabilities before they can be exploited, MSPs can significantly reduce the risk of breaches and cyber attacks, maintaining the integrity and trust of their client relationships.
    In essence, our proactive vulnerability scanning solution equips MSPs with the tools necessary to maintain a vigilant and robust cybersecurity posture for their clients, safeguarding their digital assets against the ever-evolving landscape of cyber threats.

Become a Cyber Overwatch® Partner

Benefits for MSPs

  • Co Branded - your brand alongside ours, distilling confidence in the client through measurable risk mitigations
  • Threat Mitigation - threats are mitigated by a team of cyber threat hunters dedicated to resolving the issues and mitigating the risks found on your clients estates.
  • Growth - MSPs need to support their clients, but clients also expect protection beyond an EDR solution. Grow your MSP through highlighting excellence and security in your field via Cyber Overwatch

Cyber Overwatch gives us the confidence that we are delivering the best in class cyber protection to our clients. We are good at what we do, the Cyber Overwatch team constantly prove to us they are good at what they do.

CEO, Leadtec

We rely on Cyber Overwatch to meet our enterprise and compliance needs. It offers us direct and real-time insight into our cyber security posture. As a producer of natural gas, this is invaluable to us.  We rely on their expertise.

CISO, Grissan

We are profoundly grateful for the partnership with Cyber Overwatch. Their expertise and tailored cybersecurity solutions have been instrumental in fortifying our defences against an evolving threat landscape. They have defended us against state sponsored attacks and commercial threats...

J Farhadian
UK Director, MLS

Frequently asked questions

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What Makes Cyber Overwatch® Unique for MSPs?

MSPs can leverage Cyber Overwatch®'s flexible co-branding options to offer our cutting-edge cybersecurity services as part of their own portfolio, reinforcing their brand's value and trust with clients.

Comprehensive Threat Coverage

Cyber Overwatch offers an unparalleled scope of threat detection and management capabilities, from identity threats to dark web exposure, ensuring MSPs can offer a full spectrum of cybersecurity protections to their clients.

Co-Branding Opportunities

Unlike many other solutions, Cyber Overwatch allows for seamless co-branding, enabling MSPs to offer a top-tier cybersecurity solution under their own brand alongside the Cyber Overwatch logo, enhancing their market presence and customer trust.

Dark Web Monitoring

Offering advanced monitoring capabilities, Cyber Overwatch enables MSPs to protect their clients from the dangers of the dark web by identifying exposed data and taking preemptive actions to secure it.

NCSC Compliance

As an NCSC Assured Service Provider and Cyber Advisor, Cyber Overwatch aligns its operations with the NCSC and its standards of cybersecurity, offering MSPs and their clients peace of mind regarding compliance and protection.

Extended Threat Intelligence

By utilising Cyber Overwatch's extensive threat intelligence, MSPs can gain insights from the hackers' perspective, enabling them to stay a step ahead in securing their clients against emerging threats.

Continuous Vulnerability Testing

 With proactive scanning for vulnerabilities, Cyber Overwatch empowers MSPs to keep their clients' networks secure by identifying and patching weaknesses before they can be exploited by cyber threats.

Third Party Risk Management

Vendor and Third-Party Risk Management Enables MSPs to assess and mitigate risks presented by their clients' vendors and third-party service providers, ensuring a secure supply chain and business ecosystem.

Brand Monitoring for Reputation Protection

Provides MSPs with tools to monitor the internet for misuse of their clients' brands, helping prevent fraud and protect their clients' reputation.